Top 5 Best Part Time Jobs For Students In India | Make Money Online Without Any Investment 2019

Hello friends in this post I have collected some best part time jobs for college students . You can do this best part time jobs from home by spending 2 to 3 hours. These best part time jobs for teens are very helpful in your life. these best part time jobs for students don't need any degree certificate. by these best Part time jobs you can earn up-to rupees 30,000.these best part time jobs don't need any can earn money Online without any investment.
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Top 5 Best Part Time Jobs For Students In India

1. OLX And Quikr 
If you are thinking that  OLX and Quikr are used to sell or buy old things but let me tell you dat here you have a opportunity to start a part time business. you can  make your profile and you  can earn money through OLX and Quikr by resale the old products. it's not necessary that you should have the old things to resale. you can resale other people's old things.

2. Meesho App
It is a kind of reselling app in which you can earn money without any this app you will get some type of products which you have to share those products once the product get sold you will get commission.

3. Affiliate Marketing 
affiliate marketing means there are many websites which sells products you have to share those product's link.if any person will buy any product through your link you will get commission from it. 
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Top 5 Best Part Time Jobs For Students In India

4. Blogging 
If you want to be a blogger it is a very good plan. blogging is a very good platform.if you know about any particular topic to you can write article on it. go to the blogger and write your blog once it will monetize then the adds will come on your blog through that you can earn money from Google Adsense.
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Top 5 Best Part Time Jobs For Students In India

5. Youtube 
Youtube is a very good platform for those who has no money to invest. but in Youtube to you have to be consistent in uploading videos. you have to uploade videos daily. If you have a skill like dance, comedy you can upload it in your youtube channel, if you are interested in sharing knowledge about movies, sports, etc... you can make your video and upload it in your YouTube channel. once your channel monetized the adds will come to your videos from that you will get money.
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